
четвртак, 10. октобар 2013.

How you should quit your job

Dear readers, there are many ways on how to quit your job, but the best way is to quit in the most original way possible by doing things that are not stupid. You have to think that will seek for another job and previous jobs that you had can reflect to your future employment. You have to find another potential job, that you will rely on, after you quit your job you have to plan how long you can live without your job. This is a reason when you quit your job you should not react euphorically and loose your job. Be smart and being so does not require PhD but only planning ahead your next steps. Some people do not depend from their job, they simply work to make their life even easier, but you should know your status very well. Quitting is the easiest solution, but finding another job is not so easy, especially in times like this one. I have seen some people quitting like nothing, like they did not care, but after couple of months I have seen them desperate, some of them have found another job, but the payment wasn't very good. My advice is to think, if you have qualifications is going to be easier for you but if you don't have, don't rush and fall in trap that will make you miserable.
There is one lady that has quit her job and posted her video how she did it, I will post the link so you could see her doing that, but believe me she was so self-confident about was she doing I am sure she will find her dream job. "This is quitting like a boss"