
четвртак, 10. октобар 2013.

How you should quit your job

Dear readers, there are many ways on how to quit your job, but the best way is to quit in the most original way possible by doing things that are not stupid. You have to think that will seek for another job and previous jobs that you had can reflect to your future employment. You have to find another potential job, that you will rely on, after you quit your job you have to plan how long you can live without your job. This is a reason when you quit your job you should not react euphorically and loose your job. Be smart and being so does not require PhD but only planning ahead your next steps. Some people do not depend from their job, they simply work to make their life even easier, but you should know your status very well. Quitting is the easiest solution, but finding another job is not so easy, especially in times like this one. I have seen some people quitting like nothing, like they did not care, but after couple of months I have seen them desperate, some of them have found another job, but the payment wasn't very good. My advice is to think, if you have qualifications is going to be easier for you but if you don't have, don't rush and fall in trap that will make you miserable.
There is one lady that has quit her job and posted her video how she did it, I will post the link so you could see her doing that, but believe me she was so self-confident about was she doing I am sure she will find her dream job. "This is quitting like a boss"

Once I head a good friend that became a killer!

Well you never know who are you dealing with. I know I am an talkative person, ready to help my friends and other good and bad attributes that I have, but I am not here to talk about me but rather for my life stories. We grew up together, he was 1 year older than me and was protective and carrying for me. We were part of different ethnicity but really good friends. And I was living in region where me and my family were part of the other ethnicity and in that region we were 0,00001% if I could say so.
I spoke their language fluently, I did not have any other difference apart from the ethnicity and religion. Wow that is more than enough :), however, I have been very wild kid, I was the one that will start a fight and steal apricots from my neighbors garden, steal candy from a store and too many other stuff that are not really my nature but were part of my friends that I used to hang out with as a kid.
One of those friends was Pepi, he was born to die young and so he did. I knew that he was dangerous and trouble bringer even when he slept you would expect something from him. I was trying to change him, but that was not possible, I was part of his dangerous plans always, I was there for his sake, to try to change him, but his family gave up on him, he was like possessed, not even jail time didn't change him. Dedicated to troubles and restless life of crime. Once I saved a boys life, this is how it happened, Pepi had a fight with a bigger guy, and he lost the fight and he was so pissed off with, he went home and took his fathers gun and his Pit bull, to chase and kill that guy. I was bagging him all the time, at the end I managed to persuade him by accepting that he will train his Pit bull on me. I know this sounds crazy, but listen the story, we went on the fields and he charged the dog on me, I didn't had protection and of course I didn't know how to deal with dogs especially Pits, the dog was coming very fast on me, something was telling me that I should run, and I was still waiting, in one moment, I realized that I should run, and believe me from the fear that I gained, not even Usain Bolt was a match for me, I jumped on a tree and climbed on it very fast, the dog almost got me, he was barking and trying to climb up the tree. Now my legs are shaking, he could have killed me. Than Pepi arrived and desist the dog and tied him. He realized also that he could have harmed me or killed me. I saved my life and the life of the other guy. Than we moved to another region with my family, couple of years later Pepi end up in jail for killing one Pharmacist, for drugs and he end up in jail, after they released him, he died from overdose. There is a link fro you that didn't learn yet for bizarre happening in US.

This time Aferdita has gone too far

Once again Aferdita after she left Shpat Kasapi for Leonardo Di Caprio and then again she came back to Shpati heart broken from Leonardo, for the third time left Shpati for a Turkish Singer now Bulent Serttap. From the picture we could see that, they look very close to each other, and behaving like that is not friendly but more than that. The biggest question is, what is Shpati thinking right now after he saw the picture, his girlfriend goes in Turkey to work on her new album and finds a boyfriend there? Obviously she is not a stable person, that doesn't know what she wants, or maybe she knows exactly what she wants. Her unpredictable lifestyle is madness, I really do not know why Shpati tolerated her till now. From people like Aferdita you should stay away, you never know what she will do next.
Famous people sometimes loose control and forget who they really are.
Shpati we wish you good luck with your new love, we heard that your mother do not like her anyway, so she was right, we know that you can find another love anytime, so go get it tiger.

Some people are lucky, I wish that luck has not forgotten us

I friend of mine, called me couple of minutes ago and told me that Leonora Jakupi has found a new boyfriend, who is he, we still do not know yet, we have provided one picture from the new couple and we will share it with you on our blog. The picture is not clear who is she kissing with, this is the mystery that newsagents are trying to discover it. However this new guy is very lucky, and we are sure that he has invested lot of efforts to realize his plan that was successful. Leonora has very interesting character not every man can deal with her and even approaching her lately has become very hard. She is traveling a lot around the diaspora, singing career in reality is very busy life. Unless you have money to follow her were she goes and meet her like it was your destiny to meet her in specific time and date. Ladies love romance, Leonora has mentioned that many times in public, during her interview and so on. But for somebody that is a good hint and a great start. You have to be rich yes, that is for sure, satisfying her appetites is not easy, she buys fancy clothes, goes on expensive vacations, travels a lot and that lifestyle requires If I could say an Sponsor :)
I will also attach a link on this post with the picture of course.
Take care guys and keep sharing my writings, I really appreciate it, thanks so much!

Mihrije Braha once again has lost her mind with her extravagant photos

I have noticed a phenomenon lately, famous artist and singers are trying to compete by showing their bodies and posting their photos on Facebook or twitter. This is their complicated head giving them ideas. If you are in your 50s there is no chance that you can compete with other artist that are in their 20-30s. No matter that you are fit or have make up that the other do not know. Simply the age factor is not with you. Live your life, you have other priorities, it is hard leaving the world of famous, that belongs to young ones, the time when it belong to you.
That is why I am writing on this topic, Mihrije Braha the famous singer, did some photos on the beach, with bikinis on. And the comments were hilarious, I mean she was on the target of a cannon.
Comments like: "Go take care of your grandchildren, they need you more than we do" 
"Granny awards is for you not Grammy". I hope you have understood my point which I agree totally with the people that commented on her.
Catch you later guys and see you soon with some new topics.

Summer is gone guys and winter is on his way

Today is the first day that I felt the smell of the winter, it was early in the morning when I woke up and saw that it was cold the temperature has dropped to zero. Damn I thought to my self isn't too early for this? No, one is asking me about this :) I better put on something thicker on me, I have to walk anyway to school and back and it is an hour going plus coming back.
As I was reading some articles about what was happening in summer this year, I realized that this past season was very interesting with many stories that we could not have the chance to follow all of them. Eli Fara and Anjeza Branka were rocking this summer and I didn't thought about them at all. No one thought that these two old ladies would loose control and burn out the scenes, where do they find the energy, is it original, do they really have it or just pretending and not giving up. That is positive however, but your age should be considered when you are entertainer, people expect to see younger interpreters behave like them and not someone that is older than 50 years trying to keep up with those in their 30s.
Personally when I see them doing that, I feel sorry for them and hopefully this would not be a common practice for future interpreters and other famous singers.

How the fiesta was celebrated in Germany

Beer and beer and all kind of beer, over 150 brands of beer that you could enjoy drinking, sausages that could make you feel never eat sausages anymore. Apart from the fun and the joy that occurs in the famous "October Fest" in Germany there is the dark side of it. This year more women were raped, as drunk people wait this chance for a year. The worst thing is that there are some of them that do not drink and hunt ladies that are drunk and use them. The police cannot help very much during the nights when everyone is drinking and partying, the mass cannot be controlled at all, you will need probably more than 10 000 police officers to monitor every part of the town, but is that really possible of course not. After the party was over, the police is working individually to resolve these specific cases. That every year is increasing, German government is considering to shut down the fiesta for the next year, in order to school the population that violence is not part of this.

Police patrol in my town assaulted by a drunk driver

I was going to school today, I had lectures from 2 pm, after I passed the city park a fast car was coming toward me, the police was on the side of the road hiding after a tree of the city park. When they heard the noise of the car coming very fast, one of the police officers stepped out and tried to stop the car, but the driver didn't stop and tried to run over the police officer. By a miracle the police officer moved from the way and felt in the grass, he was injured though, he could not walk and gained some body scratches, but he was alive. I couldn't believe my eyes what I was seeing. After couple of minutes the driver was caught, and imprisoned for assaulting a police officer while on duty. Having some news before the newspaper agencies have it, really makes you feel like the first journalist on spot, proud to present the news to you from the crime scene :)
When I think deeper, I am thankful to God that I am alive and hope that the drunk driver will never get his driving license back.

среда, 9. октобар 2013.

The perfect stroke Swimming coach Dan Bullock explains how to make the most of your time in the water

If you've taken the plunge and started swimming, you're bound to be reaping the benefits of improved fitness, more energy and a leaner, better body. And by improving your technique and stroke, your performance will get even better.
"You'll see a dramatic difference with improvements to your technique," says Dan Bullock, swimming coach and Speedo Ambassador. "Given how wrong some movements can be, even small changes, such as making sure water is pushing in the correct direction, will yield great improvements.
"Think of swimming like learning a language or a musical instrument: you need to give it time. Coordination, timing and learning new movements in the water make this a huge undertaking."
But Bullock firmly ­believes that practice makes perfect. "If someone really wants to make progress, I recommend 14 sessions a month," he says. "And continuity is important." As is your choice of stroke.
"Front crawl and backstroke are the least tiring, if done well," says Bullock. "Backstroke removes the need to time a head turn, so it could be considered an easier starting point, and to do front crawl well you need to put your face in the water.
"Breaststroke might appear simple, but, done properly, it is highly ­technical. Butterfly is ­perhaps the most difficult.
"But regardless of the stroke you choose, confidence, the ability to relax, and timing your breathing should be early aims."
Swimming is ­technical and improvement is ­difficult even for advanced swimmers, says Bullock, who advocates professional coaching. "A coach will be the eyes you need to guide you and describe the mistakes you make," he says. "They will help to translate the technical points you might be misinterpreting into fluid movements.
"You can watch good technique, read good technique and picture good technique in your mind, but getting a good coach involved will ensure you perform ­them correctly when you're actually in the pool."
Bullock's top ­advice for swimmers keen to improve their ­performance is not to ­underestimate proper breathing ­technique: "Stroke and breathing techniques are inextricably linked. Good technique will exhaust you less, so you can do more of it at a steadier pace.
"The benefits of swimming are well ­documented, but until the mechanics of your stroke are efficient it will be hard to do more than a few lengths. You're also less likely to injure yourself if the correct movements are made with the correct muscles."

Dan's top technique tips

1. Backstroke
• Keep your chin up and head still, or you'll snake down the lane and sink at the hips. 
• To support your body position, use a strong leg kick.
2. Breaststroke
• Tuck your chin into your chest, head down: drive your hands forward.
• Keep leg kick symmetrical. Propulsion comes as legs come together, kicking water backwards.
3. Butterfly
• Breathe as low as possible: your mouth should just clear the water when your head comes up for air.
• Attempt two kicks to one arm cycle.
4. Front crawl
Front crawl
• Arms pulling with palms down send you up not forward: face palms towards wall you're swimming from.
• Reduce the size of your leg kick: make sure it doesn't splay out behind your body.

Life lessons: taking on Thailand's shocking drowning statistics

Nearly 2,650 children drown in Thailand per year. At our school on the Cambodian border, we decided things had to change

The leading cause of death in children aged one year and over inThailand is drowning. Nearly 2,650 children a year die this way, and it was on learning of these statistics that staff at our school, the Triam Suksa school in Soi Dao on the Thai-Cambodian border, decided things had to change.
The Triam school works towards inclusive education, which is not the norm in Thailand. It's in a rural location in the far east of the country, surrounded by the mountains and fruit farms in Phu Soi Dao national park. The nearby villages are a far cry from Thailand's tourist areas; pupils' families so far this year have had to deal with flash flooding, malaria and dengue fever. I settled here five years ago with my family, when the credit crunch kicked in, and have never looked back. I started to teach and help out at the school because they opened their arms to my eldest son, who is eight and has ADHD.
Some of the children come from disadvantaged backgrounds and some have special learning needs. For them, we've opted to create a portableswimming pool and water safety programme to encourage awareness of the grave problem of youth drowning. It will consist of a 12m x 6.5m portable pool, with built-in sun protection. (With temperatures in the high 90s fahrenheit and above, this is a definite requirement.) The whole thing will cost around US$10,000 and it'll be completed in January this year, after which the safety programme can begin in earnest.
Teaching water safety.
We already have our own swimming club: the Swimsafe Sharks, which has 450 child members between the ages of five and 11. Right now, it's a case of asking the Thai teachers to give lessons in the classroom on water safety, while we wait for the pool to be finished. Jack, one of our teachers here, recently finished his degree in sport education in Bangkok and is particularly interested in helping see the project through. "Swimming is a lifelong lifesaving skill and more needs doing to get it taught in schools in Thailand and south-east Asia," he says. "I've known many people throughout my life who have died as a result of drowning – not just kids but adults too – because there are not the facilities to teach swimming in Thai schools."
When construction is finished and the programme is up and running, we want to raise funding not just for our own water-safety education project, but also for the Global Drowning Fund – an Australian charity devoted to combating Asia's drowning epidemic. Our aim is to get this type of project into other rural Thai schools.
The Triam Suksa portable swimming pool project is only possible through assistance from the private sector – in particular the Bangkok Charity Orchestra, whose recent concert at the Intercontinental Hotel in Bangkok raised US$8,000. We are also supported by Bangkok Movers & Shakers, an organisation that holds corporate networking events to raise money for Thai children's charities, which has already supplied our school with a playground.
This is our opportunity to grow and share. We as a school have been given this opening, and we want to give in turn to other schools and education bodies in Thailand, and to shed some light on this huge – but not new – problem of child fatalities through drowning. If we can keep things at a low budget, there's no reason why the government and private sector can't help further other projects such as ours.
• Contact the Triam School Foundation for more information on the project.

Rihanna's Drunk Karaoke Fail In Thai Royal Bar

What's in a name? A restaurant's success can hinge on the right words

Great names create an aura and have you salivating before you've even unfolded your napkin – but coming up with the right one isn't a straightforward task
When I was a teenager, there was a pub that held a special romance for us. Positioned on the edge of the Pennines and close to a reservoir, it was everything that a pub should be: uneven stone floors, timber beams, hidden nooks, a roaring fire and signs telling walkers to take their muddy boots off before entering. But it also had a cracking name: The Strawbury Duck, which greatly added to its allure.
Pubs, of course, have wonderful names, such as the Drunken Duck in Ambleside, or the Cat & Custard Pot in Kent. Many restaurants, however, don't come so well billed, which is a shame because great names create an aura and have you salivating before you have even unfolded your napkin. I've never eaten in the Rum Kitchen in Notting Hill but I know I would just for the name. Ditto the Jam Tree in Clapham and the Vanilla Pod in MarlowThe Fat Duck is brilliant, of course – simple, sensual with a hint of unashamed gluttony: the perfect foil to the high-concept wizardry that goes on within.
Small wonder then that coming up with a name should be an agonising process – and if there was any doubt about its importance, this recent spat should have put paid to that.
"Marketing is all about telling a story," says Mark McCafferty at Captivate Hospitality. "And names are the same. Often you have a gut feeling, but you have to know your target customer." And while food fashions come and go – witness the glut of "Ronseal ad"-type names (Honest Burgers, Dirty Burgers, the aptly named Greedy Cow) – a good name, he says, "stands the test of time, and works in different locations".
Then there's the "subliminals". William Poundstone famously decoded the psychology of The Wolseley, but restaurant names have yet to be so deconstructed. Experimental psychologist Charles Spence says that, in the future, larger chains may start to use "sound symbolism" – "the idea that we can convey to potential diners information that food will be low in price, say, by using lots of 'i' sounds, or that it will be light rather than heavy cuisine, by including voiceless rather than voiced consonants. Alliteration also helps – Costa Coffee: Many successful brands have the K sound, so using that sound may break through 'noise' to get better consumer recognition."
Neuromarketer Roger Dooley adds that sensory names may also be more memorable – made more potent by the theory that many of us are sensory-deprived. This makes sense to me – surely the best names have you drooling at the mouth? "It should tantalise and intrigue," muses Simon Mullins, co-founder of the Salt Yard Group. "It should be memorable and specific to what you do, but also sensuous. It should build a sense of anticipation."
Can a good name make a restaurant? "Absolutely, says McCafferty. "Look at Brick Lane in London – filled with restaurants, but not one stands out. A really good name would beat the competition."
"Jamie Oliver's Fifteen is a rubbish name for a restaurant," he continues. "If it wasn't for Oliver's reputation, it wouldn't have been successful". Then there's anything pun-based. My editor shudders at Flesh & Buns, while A Salt & Battery does nothing for me, with its seeming celebration of casual violence. (McCafferty flags this up as great jokey name for the trend of no-reservation, yoof-pulling, street-food joints.) For more amusing atrocities look at Guy Swillingham's book Shop Horror – Pizza the Action, The Cod Father – while the web throws up some far-flung examples that are lost in translation. And seriously, does anyone want to sip their lattes in the Ken Livingstone Coffee Shop?

Dubai Teenage Life

More than many other international locations, Dubai creates a feeling of real uncertainty in many expatriates when they first arrive. The expatriates will of course have bought into the hype about Dubai at least on some levels, and they will see the amazing architecture and experience the incredible politeness and efficiency at the airport and their hotel, but then they will also see for themselves the other side of Dubai. They will witness the half finished construction sites, they will see the hard done by construction workers, and then as soon as they get to grips with establishing their life in the emirate they will come across the reams of red tape and experience what are to many westerners, old fashioned laws. This seeming dichotomy that pervades across many sectors and experiences in Dubai can make it harder for many expats to settle in. In this guide to the lifestyle and the law for expats who are moving to live in Dubai we will aim to arm you with some salient information, so that you can be more prepared ahead of your move. That way you can have a realistic overview of what it is really like living in Dubai and you will be ready to embrace the entire experience. Daily life can be unsettling at first, but with only around a quarter of the emirate's population being ethnically Emirati, in a population mixture that has to be one of the world's most cosmopolitan, this diversity discourages any real ethnic tensions. Nonetheless, there are pertinent cultural differences that have been brought into sharp focus for expatriates arriving from non-Muslim or Arabic countries. Fuelled with excitement and in the rush to start a new life in the U.A.E, many expats overlook the differences between local laws and their own back home. It is worth being mindful that much of what is tolerated at home could well be a punishable offence in the UAE though, with penalties ranging from imprisonment to deportation! Although some couples risk it, officially it is illegal for unmarried couples to cohabit for example. Furthermore, although it is basic common sense to adopt business dress when visiting any government, office or business building, it's interesting to note that it is actually a government offense not to assume this attire. Dubai is also an emirate where alcohol must be disguised in a bag when transporting it, and where alcohol can only be consumed in designated areas. You also have to have a license when living in Dubai if you want to buy alcohol, and your monthly amount is limited by your permit. Bouncing a cheque will invoke a much harsher reaction than an officious letter from the bank too – as this is also illegal! With high profile cases hitting the world's headlines in recent years of visitors being jailed for carrying prescription medicines, Dubai's hard line stance on drugs is also not to be taken lightly. If in any doubt, ditch the drugs before you fly in. However, whilst some of the other laws are not necessarily strictly enforced, it is worth being aware of the various sensitivities and where the lines are drawn in day-to-day existence, and to respect the culture and religion of the UAE if you want to have a smooth ride living in Dubai. As for the lifestyle you can enjoy, well, once you respect the way things are done in Dubai you can have an incredible quality of life in the emirate. It's fair to say that young or old, there's something for everyone. The social side of life is fantastic and diverse. Dubai has a penchant for grand projects - offering lush championship golf courses in one of the most arid areas of the planet, water slides that send riders hurtling up to 50mph and ski slopes in the desert; the city seems to know no end to its ambition, nor does it have any inhibitions. With more ostentatious projects just finished, such as the Dubai Mall (the world's largest shopping mall) last November, this is a shopaholic's paradise. In regions where there are a high proportion of expatriates, look out for voluntary associations formed to assist new and existing non-nationals to settle in. These groups are often active in organising social events and will provide support services in response to local needs. For those expats who have escaped the financial challenges of the current climate, many choose to become members of hotel or private beach clubs where there are a multitude of facilities to enjoy during the day. By night, offering an abundance of exquisite restaurants and chic clubs, Dubai's social scene plays host to a myriad of tastes. Timeout Dubai (timeoutdubai.com) offers a great insight into Dubai's best restaurants, nightlife, films, things to do and places to see. However, those in search of a quieter, more family focused lifestyle might favour the lifestyle of Bahrain or Qatar instead. If you're a horse racing fan, drawing spectators and riders from the international world and graced by the presence of the ruler of Dubai, the Dubai World Cup (dubaiworldcup.com) is the world's richest horse race with stakes running into the millions. The government does operate a higher degree of censorship on things like film and access to websites, however. And this may take some adjusting to for those Brits used to the 'idiosyncrasies' of British TV. Some, nevertheless, may find a return to more family-friendly entertainment refreshing!

How do I remove a computer virus?

If your computer is infected with a virus, you'll want to remove it as quickly as possible. A fast way to check for viruses is to use an online scanner, such as the Microsoft Safety Scanner. The scanner is a free online service that helps you identify and remove viruses, clean up your hard disk, and generally improve your computer's performance.
If you're not sure whether your computer has a virus, see How can I tell if my computer has a virus? to check for some telltale signs. To try a different online scanner, follow the links to other companies that provide them on the Windows Security software providers webpage.

If you can connect to the Internet

If you can reach a website using your web browser, run an online scan.

To run the Microsoft Safety Scanner

  1. Go to the Microsoft Safety Scanner webpage to download the scanner.
  2. Click Download Now, and then follow the instructions on the screen.

If you can't connect to the Internet

If you can't get to the Microsoft Safety Scanner online, try restarting your computer in safe mode with networking enabled.

To restart in Safe Mode with networking enabled

  1. Restart your computer.
  2. When you see the computer manufacturer's logo, repeatedly press the F8 key until the Advanced Boot Options screen appears.
  3. On the Advanced Boot Options screen, use the arrow keys to highlight Safe Mode with Networking, and then press Enter.
  4. Log on to your computer with a user account that has administrator rights.
  5. Follow the steps above to run the Microsoft Safety Scanner.
For more information about different startup modes, see Start your computer in safe mode.
If you still can't access the Internet after restarting in safe mode, try resetting your Internet Explorer proxy settings. The following steps reset the proxy settings in the Windows‌ registry so that you can access the Internet again.

To reset Internet Explorer proxy settings

  1. In Windows 7, click the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type run, and then, in the list of results, click Run.
    In Windows Vista, click the Start button Picture of Start button, and then click Run.
    In Windows XP, click Start, and then click Run.
  2. Copy and paste or type the following text in the Open box in the Run dialog box:
    reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyEnable /t REG_DWORD /d 0 /f
  3. Click OK.
  4. In Windows 7, click the Start button Picture of the Start button. In the search box, type run, and then, in the list of results, click Run.
    In Windows Vista, click the Start button Picture of Start button, and then click Run.
    In Windows XP, click Start, and then click Run.
  5. Copy and paste or type the following text in the Open box in the Run dialog box:
    reg delete "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings" /v ProxyServer /f
  6. Click OK.
Restart Internet Explorer and then follow the steps listed previously to run the scanner.

Remove a virus manually

Sometimes a virus must be removed manually. This can become a technical process that you should only undertake if you have experience with the Windows registry and know how to view and delete system and program files in Windows.
First, identify the virus by name by running your antivirus program. If you don't have an antivirus program or if your program doesn't detect the virus, you might still be able to identify it by looking for clues about how it behaves. Write down the words in any messages it displays or, if you received the virus in email, write down the subject line or name of the file attached to the message. Then search an antivirus vendor's website for references to what you wrote down to try to find the name of the virus and instructions for how to remove it.

Recovery and prevention

After the virus is removed, you might need to reinstall some software or restore lost information. Doing regular backups on your files can help you avoid data loss if your computer becomes infected again. If you haven't kept backups in the past, we recommend that you start now.

Tips for protecting your computer from viruses

Protecting your computer from viruses and other threats isn't difficult, but you have to be diligent. Here are some actions you can take:
  • Install an antivirus program. Installing an antivirus program and keeping it up to date can help defend your computer against viruses. Antivirus programs scan for viruses trying to get into your email, operating system, or files. New viruses appear daily, so set your antivirus software to install updates automatically.
  • Don't open email attachments unless you're expecting them. Many viruses are attached to email messages and will spread as soon as you open the email attachment. It's best not to open any attachment unless it's something you're expecting. For more information, see When to trust an email message.
  • Keep your computer updated. Microsoft releases security updates that can help protect your computer. Make sure thatWindows receives these updates by turning on Windows automatic updating. For more information, see Turn automatic updating on or off.
  • Use a firewall.‌ Windows Firewall (or any other firewall) can help alert you to suspicious activity if a virus or worm attempts to connect to your computer. It can also block viruses, worms, and hackers from attempting to download potentially harmful programs to your computer.
  • Use your browser's privacy settings. Being aware of how websites might use your private information is important to help prevent fraud and identity theft. If you're using Internet Explorer, you can adjust your Privacy settings or restore the default settings whenever you want. For details, see Change Internet Explorer 9 privacy settings.
  • Use a pop-up blocker with your browser. Pop-up windows are small browser windows that appear on top of the website you're viewing. Although most are created by advertisers, they can also contain malicious or unsafe code. A pop-up blocker can prevent some or all of these windows from appearing.
    The Pop-up Blocker feature in Internet Explorer is turned on by default. To learn more about changing its settings or turning it on and off, see Change Internet Explorer 9 privacy settings.
  • Turn on User Account Control (UAC). When changes are going to be made to your computer that require administrator-level permission, UAC notifies you and gives you the opportunity to approve the change. UAC can help keep viruses from making unwanted changes. To learn more about turning on UAC and adjusting the settings, see Turn User Account Control on or off.


When a skydiver has jumped over 500 times and wishes to complete the Pro course for either his/her continued interest in skydiving or wishes to pursue a career in skydiving, then our Pro course will enable the skydiver to become an instructor, or to coach the AFF course or to become a tandem instructor. We take great pride in knowing that our drop zone is the number one drop zone to coach and teach the skydiver to reach the highest level of skydiving and become an examiner. The Skydive Dubai Desert Campus offers the best Canopy Piloting classes from flight one with Pablo Hernandez. Noah Bahnson does both of our FreeFly and Wingsuit and from the hall of fame of Skydive Craig Girad is the best for Formation along with Eliana Rodriguez.