
четвртак, 10. октобар 2013.

How you should quit your job

Dear readers, there are many ways on how to quit your job, but the best way is to quit in the most original way possible by doing things that are not stupid. You have to think that will seek for another job and previous jobs that you had can reflect to your future employment. You have to find another potential job, that you will rely on, after you quit your job you have to plan how long you can live without your job. This is a reason when you quit your job you should not react euphorically and loose your job. Be smart and being so does not require PhD but only planning ahead your next steps. Some people do not depend from their job, they simply work to make their life even easier, but you should know your status very well. Quitting is the easiest solution, but finding another job is not so easy, especially in times like this one. I have seen some people quitting like nothing, like they did not care, but after couple of months I have seen them desperate, some of them have found another job, but the payment wasn't very good. My advice is to think, if you have qualifications is going to be easier for you but if you don't have, don't rush and fall in trap that will make you miserable.
There is one lady that has quit her job and posted her video how she did it, I will post the link so you could see her doing that, but believe me she was so self-confident about was she doing I am sure she will find her dream job. "This is quitting like a boss"

Once I head a good friend that became a killer!

Well you never know who are you dealing with. I know I am an talkative person, ready to help my friends and other good and bad attributes that I have, but I am not here to talk about me but rather for my life stories. We grew up together, he was 1 year older than me and was protective and carrying for me. We were part of different ethnicity but really good friends. And I was living in region where me and my family were part of the other ethnicity and in that region we were 0,00001% if I could say so.
I spoke their language fluently, I did not have any other difference apart from the ethnicity and religion. Wow that is more than enough :), however, I have been very wild kid, I was the one that will start a fight and steal apricots from my neighbors garden, steal candy from a store and too many other stuff that are not really my nature but were part of my friends that I used to hang out with as a kid.
One of those friends was Pepi, he was born to die young and so he did. I knew that he was dangerous and trouble bringer even when he slept you would expect something from him. I was trying to change him, but that was not possible, I was part of his dangerous plans always, I was there for his sake, to try to change him, but his family gave up on him, he was like possessed, not even jail time didn't change him. Dedicated to troubles and restless life of crime. Once I saved a boys life, this is how it happened, Pepi had a fight with a bigger guy, and he lost the fight and he was so pissed off with, he went home and took his fathers gun and his Pit bull, to chase and kill that guy. I was bagging him all the time, at the end I managed to persuade him by accepting that he will train his Pit bull on me. I know this sounds crazy, but listen the story, we went on the fields and he charged the dog on me, I didn't had protection and of course I didn't know how to deal with dogs especially Pits, the dog was coming very fast on me, something was telling me that I should run, and I was still waiting, in one moment, I realized that I should run, and believe me from the fear that I gained, not even Usain Bolt was a match for me, I jumped on a tree and climbed on it very fast, the dog almost got me, he was barking and trying to climb up the tree. Now my legs are shaking, he could have killed me. Than Pepi arrived and desist the dog and tied him. He realized also that he could have harmed me or killed me. I saved my life and the life of the other guy. Than we moved to another region with my family, couple of years later Pepi end up in jail for killing one Pharmacist, for drugs and he end up in jail, after they released him, he died from overdose. There is a link fro you that didn't learn yet for bizarre happening in US.

This time Aferdita has gone too far

Once again Aferdita after she left Shpat Kasapi for Leonardo Di Caprio and then again she came back to Shpati heart broken from Leonardo, for the third time left Shpati for a Turkish Singer now Bulent Serttap. From the picture we could see that, they look very close to each other, and behaving like that is not friendly but more than that. The biggest question is, what is Shpati thinking right now after he saw the picture, his girlfriend goes in Turkey to work on her new album and finds a boyfriend there? Obviously she is not a stable person, that doesn't know what she wants, or maybe she knows exactly what she wants. Her unpredictable lifestyle is madness, I really do not know why Shpati tolerated her till now. From people like Aferdita you should stay away, you never know what she will do next.
Famous people sometimes loose control and forget who they really are.
Shpati we wish you good luck with your new love, we heard that your mother do not like her anyway, so she was right, we know that you can find another love anytime, so go get it tiger.

Some people are lucky, I wish that luck has not forgotten us

I friend of mine, called me couple of minutes ago and told me that Leonora Jakupi has found a new boyfriend, who is he, we still do not know yet, we have provided one picture from the new couple and we will share it with you on our blog. The picture is not clear who is she kissing with, this is the mystery that newsagents are trying to discover it. However this new guy is very lucky, and we are sure that he has invested lot of efforts to realize his plan that was successful. Leonora has very interesting character not every man can deal with her and even approaching her lately has become very hard. She is traveling a lot around the diaspora, singing career in reality is very busy life. Unless you have money to follow her were she goes and meet her like it was your destiny to meet her in specific time and date. Ladies love romance, Leonora has mentioned that many times in public, during her interview and so on. But for somebody that is a good hint and a great start. You have to be rich yes, that is for sure, satisfying her appetites is not easy, she buys fancy clothes, goes on expensive vacations, travels a lot and that lifestyle requires If I could say an Sponsor :)
I will also attach a link on this post with the picture of course.
Take care guys and keep sharing my writings, I really appreciate it, thanks so much!

Mihrije Braha once again has lost her mind with her extravagant photos

I have noticed a phenomenon lately, famous artist and singers are trying to compete by showing their bodies and posting their photos on Facebook or twitter. This is their complicated head giving them ideas. If you are in your 50s there is no chance that you can compete with other artist that are in their 20-30s. No matter that you are fit or have make up that the other do not know. Simply the age factor is not with you. Live your life, you have other priorities, it is hard leaving the world of famous, that belongs to young ones, the time when it belong to you.
That is why I am writing on this topic, Mihrije Braha the famous singer, did some photos on the beach, with bikinis on. And the comments were hilarious, I mean she was on the target of a cannon.
Comments like: "Go take care of your grandchildren, they need you more than we do" 
"Granny awards is for you not Grammy". I hope you have understood my point which I agree totally with the people that commented on her.
Catch you later guys and see you soon with some new topics.

Summer is gone guys and winter is on his way

Today is the first day that I felt the smell of the winter, it was early in the morning when I woke up and saw that it was cold the temperature has dropped to zero. Damn I thought to my self isn't too early for this? No, one is asking me about this :) I better put on something thicker on me, I have to walk anyway to school and back and it is an hour going plus coming back.
As I was reading some articles about what was happening in summer this year, I realized that this past season was very interesting with many stories that we could not have the chance to follow all of them. Eli Fara and Anjeza Branka were rocking this summer and I didn't thought about them at all. No one thought that these two old ladies would loose control and burn out the scenes, where do they find the energy, is it original, do they really have it or just pretending and not giving up. That is positive however, but your age should be considered when you are entertainer, people expect to see younger interpreters behave like them and not someone that is older than 50 years trying to keep up with those in their 30s.
Personally when I see them doing that, I feel sorry for them and hopefully this would not be a common practice for future interpreters and other famous singers.

How the fiesta was celebrated in Germany

Beer and beer and all kind of beer, over 150 brands of beer that you could enjoy drinking, sausages that could make you feel never eat sausages anymore. Apart from the fun and the joy that occurs in the famous "October Fest" in Germany there is the dark side of it. This year more women were raped, as drunk people wait this chance for a year. The worst thing is that there are some of them that do not drink and hunt ladies that are drunk and use them. The police cannot help very much during the nights when everyone is drinking and partying, the mass cannot be controlled at all, you will need probably more than 10 000 police officers to monitor every part of the town, but is that really possible of course not. After the party was over, the police is working individually to resolve these specific cases. That every year is increasing, German government is considering to shut down the fiesta for the next year, in order to school the population that violence is not part of this.